MARCH 13-16, 2025
A couple of summers ago I attended the family's annual sun dance ceremony in South Dakota. There I had a vision of a turtle sitting on a branch in the sacred tree. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. All of a sudden, the turtle shifted its head and looked straight at me. We locked eyes. Then it began to speak to me in my spiritual mom's voice. I received a command from her. She gave me a directive very clearly: I want you to go home and create a women's empowerment camp.
So here I am. Sitting in the question. What is an empowerment camp and what does one do there?
I’m listening and gathering all the clues. SHE is guiding me. Because this invite came to me on the sun dance grounds and my friend who was with me also saw the turtle’s shadow, I felt the confirmation that I needed to KNOW my experience was valid.
I knew the WEC needed to be an experience, similar to what people who come to our ceremony experience. There, we live in ceremony and we are the ceremony. We live close to the earth and without much of the modern conveniences. We have cell phones and vehicles. That’s about it! We cook on camp stoves and use outhouses or compost toilets. We use wet wipes to clean and refresh our bodies.
The WEC transformation retreat is for anyone ready to become their highest potential self. So, like us at sun dance, participants of this retreat will be housed in a Group Yurt Tent. Unlike us, you will have access to a modern day kitchen, shower/bath and toilet. You will practice living life for four days in the wisdom and ways of the First People of the Americas.
+ You’ll rise with the sun and activities will slow down at sunset.
+ You might be initiated into some of the Munay-Ki rites that come from the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. These are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past. They upgrade our energy fields and re-inform our DNA.
+ You’ll participate in fire ceremonies and/or a despacho, an offering to the earth.
+ You’ll sit in a sweat lodge and purify your body, mind and soul.
+ You’ll learn simple daily rituals to enhance your connection to the earth mother and sky father. You will sit out with the star nation and face the fears that keep you from being all of who you are.
+ You’ll help prepare meals in and eat with community.
+ You’ll participate in a cacao ceremony to open your heart to discovering your true self.
+ You’ll have time to meditate, journal, rest and remember WHO YOU ARE!
You will receive a private energy therapy session if one is required and throughout the camp you all will receive spiritual mentorship or guidance. There will also be daily group discussions to support you in transitioning from fear to love and from suffering to joy.
THIS IS YOUR REMEMBRANCE! Your journey to self. Your personal transformation. Your time to reconnect with your SOUL’S ESSENCE. Your time in this spiritual portal/cocoon will offer what you need to emerge into who you are — YOUR DIVINE BEING!
Dates: MARCH 13-16, 2025
Sacred Reciprocity: SLIDING SCALE of $600-$1200
Includes: 5 nights/4 days at camp, Airport pick up/drop off, Accommodations, Meals, Private sessions, Group sessions, Materials for activities. It is suggested you arrive on March 12th so you are here and ready to begin bright and early on the 13th and then depart on March 17th so that you have time to relax, integrate and perhaps collaborate with your new sisters rather than rushing off after we close activities on the 16th.
Click here to Email me to request more information about this event and/or to find out about the surprise bonus for you when you confirm your commitment.
Second Sundays of the month
10:00—11:00 AM
After becoming a Certified Wild Church Leader, I established one here in Ville Platte in 2023 called Evangeline Wild Woods & Water Spiritual Community. New Wild Churches are emerging all the time, gathering together people who want to reconnect with the natural world. As kin. As sacred. As beloved co-participants in a larger story of grace and inter-being. The gatherings take place outdoors and offer opportunities for contemplation, grief and praise, movement and song, wandering and wondering, advocacy, ecological restoration and activism on behalf of and in collaboration with the others in our watersheds. Ours often meet here at Tranquility Point Sanctuary (in the Duralde/Lower Nezpique Watershed in Evangeline Parish). We also hold some gatherings in local parks.
Email me for the location of the next gathering.
Weather permitting, I host a sweatlodge every month on the Saturday closest to full moon here at Tranquility Point. Reach out to me personally for more information.
In Partnership with 8 Branches
I regularly teach classes and hold sacred gatherings in partnership with my Milwaukee family at 8 Branches Chinese Medicine — the space I work from when I visit in summers. Most of these will be virtual and some may be in person when I'm in town. Offerings include fireside chats, my seasonal sacred ritual series and more.
Visit the 8 Branches website for current offerings and sign-up information.
“A level of understanding that I’ve rarely encountered in my life.” — Shia